Learn to sing rock the new way

So, you BELIEVE you can’t sing?


So, you BELIEVE you can’t sing?

Well, by the end of this video I’m going to show you that you CAN sing and give you that hope that you were looking for when you clicked on the video…  Because see, if you can talk you can sing. I’m sure you’ve heard that before but not in the way I’m going to say it. But don’t just take my word for it, see for yourself and watch the entire video all the way to the end so you get the full benefit and my FREE gift to you. See, saying that you can’t sing is like saying that a thermostat can’t “temperature”. Why? Because a thermostat merely controls temperature, and it FINE TUNES that temperature from one end to the other. Singing is pretty much the same concept. How? Because singing is simply speaking while holding the word out with your breath on some specific note (temperature) in the whole range. If you can make any noise in the spectrum, you can then fine tune notes to “sing”. There are some fundamentals which you need to learn around that but it is as simple as that! Want proof? You can pretend to be Mickey Mouse (way up high) and a big “manly voice” (way down low). So if you can do those you can do everything in between. It just takes practice. For example, Ed Sheerin is a huge Star now but didn’t start out that way (B roll is Ed Sheerin singing horribly). You’re probably already starting to see how you too can learn to sing and starting to get that hope! The other main ingredient is BELIEF. When You clicked on this video you didn’t believe you can sing. Why is that important? Because you can only do what you BELIEVE you can (B-roll: Enter quotes about belief – “if you believe you can or can’t…believe and ye shall receive’ etc). So by now you are beginning to see how it CAN be possible to sing once you start to BELIEVE that it is possible. Anything is possible! So if you want to learn the fundamentals I spoke about click below for the “BELIEVE, SING, ACHIEVE” method video which shows you everything you need to know about how to get started on your way to not only being ABLE to sing, but also CONFIDENT in your ability. Don’t just watch your dreams pass by until they die, let your BEAUTIFUL VOICE out to fly and carry others on the wings of your joy! 🥰 click below for your FREE booklet on how to get started on your way to impressing all your friends and family with your amazing singing voice!


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